The Filtered Budget Burnup Chart gadget has a number of configurable fields to customize the way the gadget displays on your dashboard.
The following table shows the gadget configuration options
Configuration | Description |
Project or Saved Filter | Select the project or filter that you would like to display a chart for. |
Project or Filter Description | An optional field which allows for a description of the selected project/filter. |
Show Remaining Estimate | Option to show the remaining estimate work of all issues of the selected project/filter. This is set to Yes by default. |
Trend Line | Option to show a trend line of all work completed on the chart. This is set to On by default. |
Set Goal | Set a budget of hours which will be displayed as the goal line. If no number is given, a goal line will not appear on chart. |
Start Date / End Date | Select the date range for the data to be displayed. |
Once the gadget is configured, click the Save button to display the results in graph.