



Why is my data not showing up correctly?

The Filtered Burndown Report uses the history of an issue to calculate and generate a report. If an issue does not have a history (e.g. was imported to JIRA), the add-on cannot gather the values it needs. Please use the report on issues that have been created and logged to in JIRA.

Why is my guideline zero?

There may be some instances where the guideline has a value of zero across the chart. See the chart below as an example.  This generally happens when the start date of the report is before the date that issues have been added and estimated. Since the guideline uses the remaining work value as its starting value, you must select a date where the remaining work is greater than 0. Setting the report start date to a later date will solve this issue.

You can also use the additional Guideline Start Date option (see below) to set the guideline start date to a later date and time in your report. Simply select the calender icon and choose the date and a time you want the guideline to start. Click Generate Guideline to display your new guideline.

Can I change what days are considered workdays?

Both the guideline and the required daily burndown lines are calculated using a 5 day work week (Monday thru Friday). Currently there is no option to modify which days are considered workdays.

My question was not answered, who can I contact?

For further questions or suggestions, please contact us at atlassiansupport@avant.ca.