The ability to add workflow conditions based on the data points available within the Root Cause Analysis plugin provide for an exceptionally flexible method of ensuring that your team consistently performs the required analysis. Conditions are available for all of the data entry fields to allow for the different ways that organizations use JIRA.
A condition to ensure that the Root Cause Issue field is populated can be added to a workflow status transition to prevent the user from moving the issue forward through the workflow. Multiple conditions can be added to ensure that all data points are completed before closing the issue. Alternatively, the Root Cause Analysis plugin can be left as is with no workflow conditions active which will provide no automatic enforcement of performing the analysis.
Workflow Condition Creation Example
- Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
- Click on the JIRA Administration cog and select the Projects menu item.
- Click on the Project link for the project you wish to add workflow conditions to.
- You will now see the project Administration page.
- On project Administration page, look for the Workflows section and click on the
You are now presented with the list of Workflow steps and their valid transitions for the projects workflow.
Analyze the each workflow step and each of the associated transitions to determine which transitions we want the Root Cause Analysis plugin to manage data.