The Root Cause Analysis plugin come bundles with flexible reporting capabilities that allow you to report on root cause attributions in a variety of ways. 

Locating the Root Cause Analysis Report

  1. From the Projects drop-down menu in the JIRA top-level menu bar, select the project you wish to report on (If you plan to change to use a filter instead of a project select any project).

  2. You should now be on the project Open Issues page.

  3. Click on the Reports link on the left hand navigation menu. You will be presented with a page listing the available reports.

  4.  Click on the Root Cause Analysis Report link found in the Issue Analysis category.

Root Cause Analysis Report Configuration

The configuration screen for the Root Cause Analysis report offers a variety of methods to filter the Root Cause Analysis data within your JIRA instance to generate a meaningful report listing.


Root Cause Analysis Report Content

Once you have made all of your configuration choices and have clicked the Next button, the report will generate.

If there are no Root Cause Analysis records matching the configuration choices you've selected, you will be shown an empty list with the message "There are no Root Cause Analysis records available for the applied filters..."

Otherwise, you will see a list of Root Cause Analysis entries corresponding to your selected filter configuration.

You can sort the report list by any column (ascending or descending order) by clicking on the column heading of the column you wish to sort by. 

You can always change your filter criteria by clicking on the Configure button.

Here is a brief description of the columns included in the Root Cause Analysis report:

Column NameDescription
Root Cause IssueThe issue that was identified as the root cause of the problem being investigated.
Attributer IssueThe issue and subsequent investigation that caused the Root Cause Analysis process to be performed.
AttributerThe user who identified the Root Cause Issue
Attribution DateThe date that the Root Cause Issue was identified (Attributed)
ResolverThe user that Resolved the Root Cause Issue.
Resolution DateThe date that the Root Cause Issue was resolved.
CloserThe user that closed the Root Cause Issue.
Closed DateThe date that the Root Cause Issue was closed.

The determination made by the Root Cause Issue Attributer, which can be one of the following:

Introduction FactorThe defect introduction factor selected by the Root Cause Resolver.
Detection FactorThe defect detection factor selected by the Root Cause Closer.
Review Status

Whether the Root Cause Analysis is complete by all affected parties, either action is still required (one of the summaries hasn't yet been completed) or analysis is complete: