Restricting Projects

Restricting Projects

Since JIRA can be extensively customized based on the way different organizations use the software, there may be instances where it doesn't make sense to display the Root Cause Analysis plugin features within a particular JIRA project.

For example, an organization may only be interested in tracking the Root Cause Issues from a project which is suffering from low quality. Alternatively, another organization may be interested in having Root Cause Analysis performed on all JIRA projects except for one particular project used to keep track of sales leads.

The Root Cause Analysis plugin provides the ability to explicitly define which JIRA projects you can attribute Root Cause Issues from.


All JIRA Projects are enabled for Root Cause Analysis by default. Any new projects created will also be enabled by default.


To Configure the applicable projects for Root Cause Analysis:

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
  2. Click on the JIRA Administration cog  and select the Add-ons menu item
  3. Click on the Root Cause Analysis link in the left hand navigation menu.
  4. Click on the Projects button.

  5. Select an individual project or a group (Shift or Ctrl) of JIRA projects to disable Root Cause Analysis for and then click the Disable Selected Projects button.

  6. The updated icon will display upon successful update.