Advanced Search JQL Functions

Advanced Search JQL Functions

The Root Cause Analysis plugin comes pre-loaded with a variety of custom JQL functions for use within the Advanced Issue Navigator JQL search field.


Available JQL Functions
JQL FunctionDescriptionUsage Example

Lists all Attributer Issues where the provided user set the Root Cause Issue field.


You can search for a single user or multiple users by separating the users with a comma.


Lists all Attributer Issues where the provided user was the Resolver of the Issue set in the Root Cause Issue field

You can search for a single user or multiple users by separating the users with a comma.


Lists all Attributer Issues where the provided user was the Closer of the Issue set in the Root Cause Issue field

You can search for a single user or multiple users by separating the users with a comma.

RootCauseAnalysisAttributerSummary()Lists all Attributer Issues where the Attributer Summary contains the provided text. The search is case-insensitive.
RootCauseAnalysisResolverSummary()Lists all Attributer Issues where the Resolver Summary contains the provided text. The search is case-insensitive.

RootCauseAnalysisCloserSummary()Lists all Attributer Issues where the Closer Summary contains the provided text. The search is case-insensitive.
RootCauseAnalysisDeterminationUnknown()Lists all Attributer Issues where the Determination field has not been set.
RootCauseAnalysisDeterminationAvoidable()Lists all Attributer Issues where the Determination field has been set to Avoidable.
RootCauseAnalysisDeterminationUnavoidable()Lists all Attributer Issues where the Determination field has been set to Unavoidable.

RootCauseAnalysisDefectIntroductionFactor()Lists all Attributer Issues where the Defect Introduction Factor has been set to the provided text.

RootCauseAnalysisDefectDetectionFactor()Lists all Attributer Issues where the Defect Detection Factor has been set to the provided text.


Lists all Attributer Issues where the Attribution Date is during the two specified dates.

You need to specify the dates in the expected date picker format configured for your JIRA instance. The JQL function will provide a format example when it rejects a supplied date.



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