Setting the Defect Detection Factor

Setting the Defect Detection Factor

Often it is important to understand how a particular bug was detected. As the Closer, you are asked to provide your opinion based on your assessment of the root cause. The defect detection factor can always be changed at a later time if you were initially incorrect in your assumption.

Lets say that my investigation found that code changes made under JIRA Issue RCT-1 caused the bug that I have been tasked to fix (RCT-7). 


  1. Click on the Enter Closer Data button within the JIRA Issue RCT-7

  2. You will be presented with the Root Cause Analysis - Closer dialog.

  3. Select a defect detection factor from the dropdown menu and then click Update.

The Defect Detection Factor field is required. The Closer Analysis Summary cannot be saved without first selecting a defect detection factor.

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